Replacing your Copier

Published: April 4th, 2016

Category: News

If you’re in the process of replacing your current copier with a PrintSmart device, PLEASE remember to complete the following action items:

  • If the lease has expired on your old copier, coordinate with the vendor the removal date by giving the vendor 30 days written notice.
  • Before you surplus your UF owned copier, cancel your maintenance agreement by giving the vendor 30 days prior written notice.
  • Before you surplus your UF owned copier, provide your last meter read to the vendor who maintains the copier.
  • Before you surplus your UF owned copier, notify the vendor (in writing) who maintains the copier and request a pick-up of any vendor owned excess supplies. If the supplies are UF Owned, then the supplies should be sent to Surplus Property.
  • Before you remove your UF owned or leased device, make the necessary arrangements to have the hard drive wiped of any sensitive information leaving the operating system intact.

For additional information, feel free to click on the PrintSmart web portal or contact the PrintSmart team at with any questions.

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