How does the contract work?

Published: April 27th, 2015


  • All devices will be charged the B/W CPI rate and Color CPI rate for actual usage where an impression is put to page.
  • Included in this rate are access to Zeno/Xerox equipment, preventative maintenance, ordinary repairs and all supplies including toner and staples. Paper is excluded.
  • Toll-Free phone number is provided to reach PrintSmart Helpdesk staff. The dedicated helpdesk will coordinate maintenance and repair requests, supplies and other calls.
  • Certified on-site technicians committed to excellent customer service, including a four-hour response time will be provided.
  • By consolidating spending with a single vendor, UF is taking advantage of economies of scale and efficiencies. Results of similar programs at other large universities have resulted in 25 to 30 percent cost avoidance.

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